The “Analyzer view” appears in the main window when you open a DynRisk result file. In the upper region of this view you see some fields displaying some key properties of the simulation data. These include: • Goal node • # runs • Seed Below this, you find the main result table. Each row in this table represents a “data node”. You select a data node by clicking its icon. The data node icons are located on the left-hand side of the result table. The set of data nodes included in the result file, is determined by the simulation settings used when you produced the results. You will find one data node for each model node where at least one of the “Sim.”, “Crit.” or “Sens.” properties were checked during the simulation. A data node contains the simulation results and statistics for its corresponding model node, and has the same name as this “model node”. This is a “read-only” table. You cannot edit its contents in any way. However, you can change the attributes shown in the different columns using the “analyzer heading” menus. Moreover, you can copy the contents of the table by using the “Copy” command in the “Edit” menu.